Equivocal Zones


Max Kuhn


August 16, 2013

In Chapter 11, equivocal zones were briefly discussed. The idea is that some classification errors are close to the probability boundary (i.e. 50% for two class outcomes). If this is the case, we can create a zone where we the samples are predicted as “equivocal” or “indeterminate” instead of one of the class levels. This only works if the model does not incorrectly classify samples with complete (but wrong) confidence.

In molecular diagnostics, many assays are required to have these zones for FDA approval and great care goes into their determination. If the assay returns an equivocal result, a recommendation would be made to repeat the assay or to obtain another sample.

Does this actually work with a classification model? How would we do it in R?

To illustrate this, I will use the two-class simulation system outlined [here](../benchmarking-machine-learning-models-using-simulation/.

For example:

training <- twoClassSim(n = 1000)
testing  <- twoClassSim(n = 1000)

Let’s fit a random forest model using the default tuning parameter value to get a sense of the baseline performance. I’ll calculate a set of different classification metrics: the area under the ROC curve, accuracy, Kappa, sensitivity and specificity.

p <- ncol(training) - 1
fiveStats <- function(...) c(twoClassSummary(...), defaultSummary(...))
ctrl <- trainControl(method = "cv",
                     summaryFunction = fiveStats,
                     classProbs = TRUE)
rfFit <- train(Class ~ ., data = training,
                method = "rf",
                metric = "ROC",
                tuneGrid = data.frame(.mtry = floor(sqrt(p))),
                ntree = 1000,
                trControl = ctrl)

## 1000 samples
##   15 predictors
##    2 classes: 'Class1', 'Class2' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validation (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, ... 
## Resampling results
##   ROC    Sens   Spec   Accuracy  Kappa  ROC SD  Sens SD  Spec SD  Accuracy SD
##   0.924  0.856  0.817  0.837     0.673  0.0329  0.0731   0.0561   0.0536     
##   Kappa SD
##   0.107   
## Tuning parameter 'mtry' was held constant at a value of 3                

We will fit the same model but performance is only measured using samples outside the zone:

eZoned <- function(...)
  ## Find points within 0.5 +/- zone
  buffer <- .10
  preds <- list(...)[[1]]
  inZone <- preds$Class1 > (.5 - buffer) & preds$Class1 < (.5 + buffer)
  preds2 <- preds[!inZone,]
  c(twoClassSummary(preds2, lev = levels(preds2$obs)), 
    ## We should measure the rate in which we do not make 
    ## a prediction. 
    Reportable = mean(!inZone))
ctrlWithZone <- trainControl(method = "cv",
                             summaryFunction = eZoned,
                             classProbs = TRUE)
rfEZ <- train(Class ~ ., data = training,
              method = "rf",
              metric = "ROC",
              tuneGrid = data.frame(.mtry = floor(sqrt(p))),
              ntree = 1000,
              trControl = ctrlWithZone)
## 1000 samples
##   15 predictors
##    2 classes: 'Class1', 'Class2' 
## No pre-processing
## Resampling: Cross-Validation (10 fold) 
## Summary of sample sizes: 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, 900, ... 
## Resampling results
##   ROC   Sens   Spec   Accuracy  Kappa  Reportable  ROC SD  Sens SD  Spec SD
##   0.96  0.917  0.891  0.905     0.808  0.767       0.024   0.0483   0.0668 
##   Accuracy SD  Kappa SD  Reportable SD
##   0.0507       0.102     0.0655       
## Tuning parameter 'mtry' was held constant at a value of 3

So by failing to predict about 23% of the samples, we were able to achieve a good boost in performance. What would happen if we change the zone size? The same procedure what used with zones up to +/- 0.14 and here are the results for the various metrics:

There is an improvement in each of the measures as long as we are willing to accept an increasing proportion of indeterminate results. Does this replicate in the test set?

rfPred <- predict(rfFit, testing)
rfProb <- predict(rfFit, testing, type = "prob")[, "Class1"]
rfPred <- data.frame(obs = testing$Class,
                     pred = rfPred,
                     Class1 = rfProb)
fiveStats(rfPred, lev = levels(rfPred$obs))
eZoned(rfPred, lev = levels(rfPred$obs))
fiveStats(rfPred, lev = levels(rfPred$obs))
##       ROC      Sens      Spec  Accuracy     Kappa 
## 0.9378583 0.8518519 0.8543478 0.8530000 0.7047244 
eZoned(rfPred, lev = levels(rfPred$obs))
##        ROC       Sens       Spec   Accuracy      Kappa Reportable 
##  0.9678054  0.9361702  0.9239437  0.9305913  0.8601139  0.7780000 

(This article was originally posted at http://appliedpredictivemodeling.com)