Progress Update (February 2024)
Since the last update on 2023-11-20, we have a few new sections and chapters.
The short-term goal is to have good first drafts of all of the “Preparation” chapters. As of 2024-02-26, they are:
- Initial Data Splitting (drafted)
- Transforming Numeric Predictors (drafted but not published)
- Working with Categorical Predictors (waiting for review)
- Embeddings
- Linear methods (PCA, PLS, etc) not drafted
- MDS sections (waiting for review)
- Other methods (nearest shrunken centroids, etc) in progress
- Interactions and Nonlinear Features
- Interactions (waiting for review)
- Spline section (in progress, almost finished)
- Discretization (in progress, almost finished)
- Missing Data (started)
We’ll update the website once the first three chapters listed above have good drafts. Another update will follow when the others are done.